Download Limits


This Download Limits Policy applies to the Mintel and Comperemedia services to which you subscribe. Downloading certain Mintel and Comperemedia content is permissible up to the limit indicated.

Content TypeDownload Limit
Data Recordone thousand (1,000) Data Records per Authorized User per month
Data Tableone hundred (100) Data Tables per Authorized User per month
Insight Blockone thousand (1,000) Insight Blocks per Authorized User per month


“Data Record” refers to Content from the Services primarily devoted to product innovation, direct marketing, omni channel marketing, or foodservice menus; downloading any part or all of the data for one product record, one campaign record or one restaurant menu comprises a single Data Record download.

“Data Table” refers to Content from the Services primarily devoted to consumer data or market sizing. Downloading a table including the responses to one question we’ve asked consumers in topline or demographics breakdown view; one table containing a cross tabulation of responses to two or more questions; one table of further analysing a question using techniques such as repertoire, cluster, correspondence, CHAID, key driver or TURF analysis; or one table of market size, market segmentation, market share, CAGR or socio-economic data comprises a single Data Table download.

“Insight Block” refers to a single subsection of Content within a full report, which may be composed of written expert analysis, research and reports from any Service and which the Services may provide the option to ‘Add to Presentation’; downloading a single subsection of written analysis counts as one Insight Block. A section comprises one or more subsections where the Services may provide the option to ‘Add Section to Presentation’; downloading a section of a report counts as the total number of subsection Insight Blocks contained within the section.

Licensor reserves the right to take technical measures to enforce this Download Limit Policy.

Learn more about how to identify which download limit applies to the content you are downloading in the Mintel Help Center. If you need access to a previous version of the Download Limits Policy or want to discuss the policy, then contact your Mintel Account Manager.

Last modified: 11 November 2023